Вяльшина А.А., к.социол.н., ИАгП РАН |
Vyalshina A.A., candidate of sociological sciences, IAgP RAS |
В статье анализируются факторы, обуславливающие повышенные риски негативных последствий пандемии COVID-19 для сельских территорий России. Выявлено, что по мнению сельчан за 2011-2020 годы ситуация с доступностью основных социальных услуг на селе изменилась незначительно. Показано, что ограниченные возможности занятости на селе, низкий уровень развития человеческого капитала большинства сельчан, слабое развитие сельской социальной инфраструктуры осложняют возможности преодоления последствий пандемии для жителей села. Сделан вывод о том, что взаимное согласование стратегий развития сельских территорий с программами расширения возможностей занятости, сокращения масштабов бедности и развития социальной инфраструктуры будут способствовать расширенному участию сельского населения в восстановлении экономики страны. |
The article analyzes the factors that cause the increased risks of negative consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic for rural areas of Russia. It was revealed that in the opinion of villagers for 2011-2020, the situation with the availability of basic social services in the countryside has changed insignificantly. It is shown that the limited employment opportunities in the countryside, the low level of human capital development for the majority of villagers, and the poor development of rural social infrastructure complicate the possibilities of overcoming the consequences of the pandemic for rural residents. It is concluded that the mutual coordination of strategies for the development of rural areas with programs to expand employment opportunities, reduce poverty and develop social infrastructure will contribute to the increased participation of the rural population in the restoration of the country's economy. |
Ключевые слова: сельские территории, пандемия COVID-19, сельское здравоохранение, сельские жители. |
Keywords: rural areas, COVID-19 pandemic, rural health, rural residents. |
Список источников
1. UNICEF. (2020). COVID-19: Number of children living in household poverty to soar by up to 86 million by end of year. – URL: https://www.unicef.org/press- releases/covid-19-number- childrenliving-household-poverty-soar- 86-million-end-year
2. UNDESA. (2020). Protecting and mobilizing youth in COVID-19 responses. Policy Brief 67. UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA). – URL: https://www.un.org/development/desa/ dpad/wpcontent/uploads/sites/45/public ation/PB_67.pdf
3. ILO (2020b, 29 April). As job losses escalate, nearly half of global workforce at risk of losing livelihoods. International Labour Organization (ILO). – URL: https:// www.ilo.org/global/about- theilo/newsroom/news/WCMS_743036/ lang--en/index.htm
4. Devereux, S., Lind, J., Roelen, K., & Sabates-Wheeler, R. (2020, 7 May). Covid-19 and social protection needs: Who are the most vulnerable? Institute of Development Studies Blog. – URL: https://www.ids.ac.uk/opinions/covid- 19-and-social-protection-needs-who- are-the-mostvul nerable/
5. Итоги Комплексного наблюдения условий жизни населения. - URL: https://rosstat. gov.ru/itog_inspect
6. Peters D. Community susceptibility and resiliency to COVID-19 across the rural-urban continuum in the United States. Journal of Rural Health. 2020;36(3):446-456.
7. Leatherby L. (2020). The worst virus outbreaks in the U.S. are now in rural areas. – URL: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/ 2020/10/22/us/covid-rural-us.html
8. Kotozaki Y. (ed.) Who is wearing a mask? Gender-, age-, and location-related differences during the COVID-19 pandemic. PLOS ONE. 2020; 15(10):0240785.
9. Song, H. et al. The impact of the non-essential business closure policy on Covid-19 infection rates. NBER Working Paper, 2021: 28374.
10. Klugman, J. (2020). Justice for women amidst COVID-19. UN Women, IDLO, UNDP, UNODC, World Bank & Pathfinders. – URL: https://www.unwomen.org/- /media/headquarters/ attachments/ sections/library/publications/2020/ justice-for-womenamidst-covid-19- en.pdf?la= en&vs=5442
11. OECD (2020). “Cities policy responses”, OECD Policy Responses to Coronavirus (COVID-19). – URL: https://www.oecd.org/coronavirus/ policy-responses/cities-policy- responses-fd1053ff/
1. UNICEF. (2020). COVID-19: Number of children living in household poverty to soar by up to 86 million by end of year. – URL: https://www.unicef.org/press-releases/ covid-19-number-childrenliving- household-poverty-soar-86-million-end-year
2. UNDESA. (2020). Protecting and mobilizing youth in COVID-19 responses. Policy Brief 67. UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA). – URL: https://www.un.org/development/desa/ dpad/wpcontent/uploads/sites/45/ publication/PB_67.pdf
3. ILO (2020b, 29 April). As job losses escalate, nearly half of global workforce at risk of losing livelihoods. International Labour Organization (ILO). – URL: https:// www.ilo.org/global/about-theilo/ newsroom/news/WCMS_743036/lang-- en/index.htm
4. Devereux, S., Lind, J., Roelen, K., & Sabates-Wheeler, R. (2020, 7 May). Covid-19 and social protection needs: Who are the most vulnerable? Institute of Development Studies Blog. – URL: https://www.ids.ac.uk/opinions/ covid-19-and-social-protection-needs-who- are-the-mostvul nerable/
5. Results of Comprehensive monitoring of living conditions of the population. - URL: https://rosstat. gov.ru/itog_inspect
6. Peters D. Community susceptibility and resiliency to COVID-19 across the rural-urban continuum in the United States. Journal of Rural Health. 2020;36(3):446-456.
7. Leatherby L. (2020). The worst virus outbreaks in the U.S. are now in rural areas. – URL: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/ 2020/10/22/us/covid-rural-us.html
8. Kotozaki Y. (ed.) Who is wearing a mask? Gender-, age-, and location-related differences during the COVID-19 pandemic. PLOS ONE. 2020; 15(10):0240785.
9. Song, H. et al. The impact of the non-essential business closure policy on Covid-19 infection rates. NBER Working Paper, 2021: 28374.
10. Klugman, J. (2020). Justice for women amidst COVID-19. UN Women, IDLO, UNDP, UNODC, World Bank & Pathfinders. – URL: https://www.unwomen.org/- /media/headquarters/attachments/ sections/library/publications/2020/ justice-for-womenamidst-covid-19- en.pdf?la=en&vs=5442
11. OECD (2020). “Cities policy responses”. OECD Policy Responses to Coronavirus (COVID-19). – URL: https://www.oecd.org/coronavirus/ policy-responses/cities-policy- responses-fd1053ff/
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